There are a number of ways to give your woman a memorable valentines day. The ideas can vary from simple to extravagant but always remember that it is the thought that counts. You can give her simple things but if you put in some real effort and pour all you heart in preparing that simple gift, it can be more meaningful than something which is really expensive. Here are some tips to give your woman a memorable valentines day:
Romantic getaway. If your woman is a working girl, the everyday life in the city might be very stressful to her. It would really surprise her to get away from the city and spend time with you in a romantic place for valentines day. While most couples are in the city having dinner or dancing with their partners, you are enjoying a quiet romantic place away from the city with your woman. Of course you have to consider what your woman loves to do. Does she loves fishing, stargazing, strolling in the woods or walking in the wild side? Spending time away from the daily noise of the city can be very relaxing, romantic and memorable.
A breakfast in bed and a bubble bath for her. Most couples spend Valentines Day in the evening after their work but for a change why not start celebrating valentine early in the morning and give your woman a memorable valentines day. Surprise her with a nice breakfast in bed. Nothing is sweeter than having a man who wakes up early and serve breakfast for her in bed. This is not only romantic but will also set her moods in good vibes throughout the rest of the day. After a romantic breakfast whisper to her ears that a bubble bath is waiting for her. Scented candles are all over the bathroom and in the corners of the tub and lovely flower petals on the tub while you are holding a basket of massage oils ready to give her a bubble bath. She will bring this memory for the remainder of the day and when you both see each other again after work, things will be more exciting and romantic.
Convey your feelings through music. If you are both music lovers, the best way to express your love is through music. Have you noticed how music can make a movie or a scene in a movie really romantic? This valentine idea is not as simple as buying an audio CD of a specific singer and simply giving it to your girl. You have to put some real effort by personalizing the audio CD. Make a beautiful personalized cover that your girl will really love. Carefully look back at the start of your relationship and make a compilation of songs that serve as reminders of your wonderful love life with her. What was the hit song then when you first met each other? What song was playing when you had your first dance? What was the theme song of the first movie you’ve watched together? You can add your own messages or narration in the beginning of each song. This is definitely one way to give your woman a memorable valentines day. This will bring back old good memories in your relationship and she will be touched and amazed with your efforts.
There are countless ways to give your woman a memorable valentines day. Always remember that you need to be creative and always include your heart to make her valentine really special and memorable. For more dating ideas visit 300 Creative Dates