Gynecomastia is the enlargement of breasts in men that resembles a
woman’s breast. This condition commonly starts to appear in teenage
years. Although there are cases that gynecomastia in teens disappear after adolescence; there are still men who continue to suffer this disorder until adulthood.
Although the cause of gynecomastia is not yet clear, there are studies showing that one possible factor in the occurrence of gynecomastia in teens
is the hormonal change during puberty. It could also be a side effect
of using certain drugs or prohibited drugs like marijuana and heroin.
Obesity is another factor affecting gynecomastia in teens.
Whatever the reason for the occurrence of gynecomastia in teens,
the effect is all the same in teenage boys, this disorder is robbing
them of their exciting adolescent years. Imagine feeling insecure about
your appearance that you cannot take off your shirt in public. You avoid
swimming, going to the gymn and other bare chest activities. Sometime
you hide this by wearing baggy clothes and you cannot wear that type of
clothes you really like. This is really frustrating for young boys who
are supposed to be discovering themselves and enjoying their youth and
Treatment for gynecomastia in teens must be put in place
before this disorder could totally damage your teenage years resulting
to low self-esteem. Fear of rejection and hiding your disorder is not a
good way to live your teenage life.
One third of the male population is suffering from gynecomastia and
there are treatments available now to get rid of this male breast
disorder. It is best to consult the experts or your doctor for the best
treatment for you. Treatment includes medications and cosmetic surgery.
Of course before going under the knife, you have to explore every
possible treatment without surgery. Surgery should be the last option
because it is irreversible.
If you are looking for an alternative to the drastic step of surgery,
natural treatment is another option to treat gynecomastia in teens.
Natural breast reduction pills with herbal ingredients works in
targeting the fatty cells in the mammary glands reducing breast size. To
learn more visit Gynecomastia Solution