If you’ve spent time in the world of dating, you know how hard it is
to come up with good conversation topics while talking to girls. No
doubt you’ve felt the frustration of running out of conversation topics,
been part of those highly awkward silences, and wracked your brain
struggling to find ways to keep the conversation going.
When faced with this difficulty, most men resort to diving right into
“interrogation mode”. This is when guys just start spouting off a
series of rapid-fire fact-based questions to the girls in the hopes of
keeping the conversation going, not really worried about what the
conversation is about. Understandably, quick questions like this result
in quick answers, leaving the men right back in the same place they
were. Instead of going down this route, here are a handful of good
conversation topics to use while talking to girls.
1. Don’t be afraid to gossip
There’s a reason people tune in to “Jerry Springer” even after all of
these years: They’re intrigued by the weird drama of people’s lives. As
such, sharing gossip (or “drama”) about your own life or the lives of
your friends is a great way to keep the conversation from getting
boring. Anything with sex, relationships, strange twists, dates gone
wrong are all worthy topics of conversation.
One of my favorite gossip/drama accounts is from the life of a friend
of mine. He used to have daily conversations on the Internet with the
girl for over a year, but whenever he would bring up meeting
face-to-face for the first time she would balk at the suggestion. Later,
he found out she was just a housewife who living across the country and
was just bored during the day. Whenever I tell this story to a woman,
it opens up a great conversation.
2. Strange experiences
In the same way, talking about the “weirdness” in your own life can
move conversations from good to great. Has something intriguing or
strange ever happen to you? For instance, sometimes I’ll tell the story
about my grandma who says she was visited by a dead relative. It’s such a
strange experience, full with so many emotions and facts, that the
woman can find a large assortment of questions to continue the
conversation. From there, she will offer her own bout of strange
experiences, which will further propel the conversation.
3. Ambitions and passions
This is probably the best topic of conversation you can have going
for you. By talking about your future ambitions and the passions you
have, not only can you continue moving the conversation forward because
of the amount of knowledge you have on the topic, but you also will be
unable to keep from sounding excited while talking. Showing this emotion
is always a positive when talking to a girl, because they’re used to
too many guys trying to hide their emotions and this will be a welcome
relief. In the same way,