By now, a lot of you have had experience asking out a girl in person. However, asking a girl out via text is much easier and much more low pressure.
The ultimate goal in texting is to always meet up with the girl you’re interested in. The way that you invite a girl out shows how comfortable you are with yourself and comfortable around women. Remember, through your texts, you should be portraying that you’re a high-status man and that asking someone out is no big deal.
Planting the Seed for Meeting Up:
One of the best ways to make any hangout or date low-key is to “plant the seed” of a hang out before an invite is ever offered. By texting her in this way, you’re able to gauge how much intrigue you’ve created in her.
For example… Instead of texting a girl “what are you doing Thursday?” or “We should hang out Thursday,” you can simply imply or “plant the seed” of a hang-out on Thursday night. A better example of “planting the seed” would be “Do you like long islands, laughing your face off, and great company?”
You want to make any implied plans seem so fun that she would be crazy to not say yes.
Invite Her to Something You’re Already Doing:
If the girl that you’re interested is in her late teens and 20s, odds are she’s being hounded by guys to hang out on a one-on-one basis. To a lot of girls, this screams “trouble.” However, you can cut through a lot of objections to getting more hangouts by simply making plans with friends, and then inviting her (and her fun friends) to meet up with you guys.
Keep in mind that even though you’re an awesome guy that does fun things in his life, just because you two exchanged numbers doesn’t mean that she ever has to hang out with you. There’s no social contract that says you have to hang out with every person that has your phone number.
So, when you do send the invite, you want to do it in a fun way, and you want to imply that you’re doing a fun activity with your friends whether she goes or not. This way, even if she flakes, you still have your friends there and you’re still gonna have a fun time.
Your best bet is to phrase your invite along the lines of this:
“Hey there, sugar lips, I’m gonna be going to (activity) with some friends tonight, if you promise not to embarrass me, you can come and bring a couple friends :)”
Simple, fun, and non-committal.
If you want more examples of how to get more hangouts, check out Race’s new book “Text That Girl!” today!