Stop a Breakup from Happening and Rescue Your Relationship

People who are in a romantic relationship know that keeping a relationship is not easy and there are times that couples go through difficult situations. Sometimes couples failed to endure and solve relationship problems that they end up breaking up. Is your relationship going through rough times and heading to a different direction? If you do not want your relationship to end, you have to know how to get your relationship back on track and stop a breakup from happening.
So how to rescue your troubled relationship and stop a breakup from happening?

Listen. When things in your relationship are not happening the way you want it to be, it is so easy to nag and blame your partner but if you want to stop a breakup from happening, you have to learn to hold your tongue and listen. There are reasons why your spouse or partner want to end the relationship and you cannot find out the reasons if you keep talking. Stop talking, stop being defensive and start listening to your partner. Hear what he or she wants to say and let your partner know that she or he is being heard. We sometimes feel unimportant and not needed when we are ignored and not being heard. Sometimes all it takes to resolve the problems in a relationship is to listen to your partner.

Take time to look at the issues in your relationship. Once you’ve heard what needs to be heard, it is now time to look at the issues in your relationship. Understand each other’s feelings about the issues in your relationship. What may seem unimportant to you might be a big deal to your partner. For instance, not putting your dirty clothes in the laundry basket may not be an issue to you but it makes your wife’s life miserable by making her pick up your dirty clothes every day. It is important to understand each other’s feelings to fully understand the issues in your relationship. Realizing how you make your partner feel about a certain issue in your relationship can be very helpful to stop a breakup from happening.

Regular communication. Some couples avoid talking about the problems in their relationship that they become distant to each other. Problems cannot be solved if you keep avoiding facing them. It is important to talk and communicate with your partner if you want to stop a breakup from happening. Lack of communication could lead to misunderstandings and wrong assumptions making the relationship more stressful. If there are times that verbal communication is not possible or if you feel that verbal communications can lead to arguments, writing a letter is another option to communicate to your partner. Communication is definitely needed if you want to stop a breakup from happening.

Agree to disagree. Although couples should be on the same page most of the time to make the relationship work, it is inevitable to disagree with each other. You are two unique individuals and you cannot agree with each other all the time. Couples may not see each other eye to eye all the time but they should know how to respect each other’s opinions and learn to compromise on certain issues. If compromise cannot be made, learn to peacefully agree to disagree. It is not the absence of conflicts that make the relationship last but it is how couples deal with their differences and the conflicts in their relationship.

Seek help. If things in your relationship are too difficult for you and your partner to resolve, seek help. Couples may find it difficult to solve the issues in their relationship on their own but it does not mean they have to breakup. Get help! You may need the help of a professional counselor or you may need a couple’s therapy to look at the issues in your relationship in a different perspective. You may need a mediator to stop a breakup from happening so do not hesitate to seek help. Relationship help books can also help you keep a healthy relationship.

It takes a lot of work to make a relationship last. It may seem difficult to stop a breakup from happening but if you really want a lasting relationship, it is worth all the efforts.